Get more exposure for your listings with Self-Service Advertising!

Make your listing stand out among the 1.5 million+ daily listings to an audience of over 6 million unique monthly visitors.

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Pay only for results

When you book a campaign, you set the number of views you want your ads to receive. If your ad does not receive as many views as you set, you will be automatically refunded for the views your ad did not receive.

Activate Advertising
Fast booking

Place your ads 24/7! After you book, your campaign could start displaying on in just 48 hours.

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Create your campaign in 4 simple steps

Select a placement for your ad

You can select from the available placements on

Decide on your budget and schedule

Set how much you want to spend as well as the ad start and end dates.

Target your audience

Select who sees your ad by specifying timeframe, categories and keywords.

Create your ad

Select your listings and template to create your ad.

Create your first booking in just a few minutes!

Activate Advertising

Full control of management

You have full control of your campaigns and ads. See campaign statistics when your campaigns are live. Adjust targeting, change ads, pause your campaigns if needed. You are the boss!

Automated Reports
Automated Reports

Don't have time to check the dashboard when your campaigns are running? No problem! Set automated email reports and have all the updates sent to your email as frequently as you would like. You can have daily or monthly updates delivered to your email. 

Be on top of your ad's performance and save time!

Automated Reports
A/B testing is great

Don't know which ad design to use? Try out several. See which design gets more views and clicks and easily adjust.

Full control of management Self-Service Advertising is ready to help your business grow!

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